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Biblical manhood & womanhood

We are about building-up of the church in the truth of the gospel of Christ.
We are devoted to seeing more men and woman in the church fully commit to the tenets of biblical manhood and womanhood.

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Multigenerational faithfulness to God

We are devoted to seeing more church children actively raised in the fear of the Lord and committed to multigenerational faithfulness to God’s purpose for humankind.

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Light of the world

We are dedicated to seeing the average Christian, continually reformed, fully committed to biblical worldview, filled with the Spirit and knowledge of God, and shining as light to the world.

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Would you please commit to praying “build Your church” to Christ everyday?

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Welcome to BYC Academy

We are about building-up of the church in the truth of the gospel of Christ.
Our approach is to advance in the LOVE of Christ, to proclaim His TRUTH, so we can hold on to His HOPE.

Building-up of the church

We believe in building-up each other in the church. We must be a glorious church without a spot or wrinkle or any other blemish as we await the return of Christ (Ephesians 5:27). This is in the hope of the eternal life, which God promised before the beginning of time and seen in the gospel of Christ (Titus 1:1-3).
Love | Truth | Hope

Truth of the gospel of Christ

We are committed to upholding the truth of the gospel (Galatians 2:14). This includes promoting continued reformation and biblical worldview in the church, such that many in the church would cease from subscribing to philosophies and thinking patterns of the secular culture (Colossians 2:8).
Love | Truth | Hope

Biblical manhood & womanhood

We want to see men and woman in the church committed to the tenets of biblical manhood and womanhood.

Love | Truth | Hope

Multigenerational faithfulness to God

We want to see church children actively raised in the fear of the Lord and committed to multigenerational faithfulness to God’s purpose.
Love | Truth | Hope

Holiness & Light to the world

We want to see the average Christian filled with the Spirit and knowledge of God, committed to biblical worldview and holiness, and therefore shining as light to the world.
Love | Truth | Hope

Biblical worldview

We believe the church should be the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its savor, how can it be made salty again (Matthew 5:13)?

Continually reformed

We believe we are to influence our society by building-up each other and continuously maintaining our true reformation.

What are we committed to?

Playing our part in equipping the church in the truth of the gospel of Christ.

Love | Truth | Hope

What We Do

Interested in learning more about us or becoming a BYC Academy Member?

Interested in inviting us to speak or want to know about partnering with us?