We are an independent charity organisation. We carry out the work we do through support from volunteers and donations we receive. In addition to our core activities in building-up the church, we also engage with and impact the community through outreach programmes.
If you would like to support what we do financially, please click the give button  or contact us.

Donate to specific projects

If you would like to give towards specific activities please use the following links.

Weʼre raising fund towards gospel truth video content production

Help us fund the purchase of video recording set for the purpose of creating gospel truth content.

Weʼre raising fund towards publications.

Help us fund the cost of publishing content aimed at equipping the church and promoting biblical worldview.

Weʼre raising fund towards MGIS (My Grace is Sufficient) ministry.

Help us fund MGIS (My Grace is Sufficient) ministry so we can support Christians through weaknesses or deficiencies.

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More about us

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