
About us

Our vision is to see exponential growth of multigenerational church men, woman and children as the continually reformed body of Christ upholding the truth of the gospel, and consequently influencing the society (Matthew 16:16-18; Matthew 5:13-16).
Our goal is to play our part in equipping the church in the truth of the gospel of Christ.


We are delighted to connect with like minded Christians to work with us in supporting our mission to equip the church and promote biblical worldview. We have a number of ministries requiring volunteers.
Listing of openings coming soon

Other ways to work with us

BYC Academy Members are individuals, who are officially part of our mission to equip the church in the truth of the gospel.
We are always welcoming new members to the fold. If you would like to get involved please get in touch, or click the join us button below.
If you are looking for details of our partnerships, click the BYC partners button below.