BYC Academy is a Christian organisation focused on equipping the church in the truth of the gospel of Christ (Matthew 16:18; Galatians 2:14).
Our approach is to advance in the LOVE of Christ, to proclaim His TRUTH, so we can hold on to His HOPE.
We as part of the church, are playing our part in building-up the church (the bride) for the coming of Christ (the bridegroom) for His bethrothed. As in Ephesians 5:27, to be a glorious church without a spot or wrinkle or any other blemish. Instead, she will be holy and without fault.
Our earnest desire is that every member of the body of Christ, the church, would embrace a continually reformed life for themselves, their families and those in their circle of influence.
We do not say we have it all figured out. We are far from perfection. We do however acknowledge and rely on the truth of the gospel of Christ, and would do everything we can to share it with those that will receive it.

Our Vision

Exponential growth of multigenerational church men, woman and children as the continually reformed body of Christ, upholding the truth of the gospel, and consequently influencing the society (Matthew 16:16-18; Matthew 5:13-16).
  • To see more men and woman in the church fully commit to the tenets of biblical manhood and womanhood.
  • To see more church children actively raised in the fear of the Lord and committed to multigenerational faithfulness to God’s purpose for humankind.
  • To see the average Christian, committed to biblical worldview, filled with the Spirit and knowledge of God, and shining as light to the world.

Biblical manhood & womanhood

We want to see men and women in the church committed to the tenets of biblical manhood and womanhood.

Multigenerational faithfulness to God

We want to see church children actively raised in the fear of the Lord and committed to multigenerational faithfulness to God’s purpose.

Holiness & Light to the world

We want to see the average Christian filled with the Spirit and knowledge of God, committed to biblical worldview and holiness, and therefore shining as light to the world.

Our Mission

Our goal is to play our part in equipping the church in the truth of the gospel of Christ.

We serve God in BYC to further the faith of the church and their knowledge of the truth that leads to godliness (Titus 1:1-3; Galatians 2:14). This is in the hope of the eternal life, which God who does not lie, promised before the beginning of time and seen in the gospel of Christ. Furthermore, we do this so that the church may proclaim the hope to the world.

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Our Core Values

Love | Truth | Hope


We believe in excellence in our commitment to play our part to equip the church in the truth of the gospel of Christ. We therefore operate with a culture of Integrity, Respect and Teamwork to achieve it. Those are the three-pronged ethos that underpin our three core values below:
  • Advance in the Love of Christ (Romans 13:8-10; Philipians 2:1-4).
  • Proclaim the Truth of the Gospel of Christ (James 5:19-20; Ephesians 1:13; 1 John 2:4; Galatians 2:14).
  • Encourage the Hope that comes from Christ (1 Peter 1:3-9).

More about us

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